Holding the Whole
June 11, 2014
Our conversation first began with seeing another person (I See You). Seeing another person involves reaching beyond your pre-judgments and beginning to see a whole person standing next to you. In this manner you might notice her voice, her gifts — how she expresses herself. You no longer see the role or job she plays, but the person herself. In seeing another person you might extend an invitation (Nature of Invitation) for her to express more of her true self. Remember that seeing another person is a great gift to offer, because it does not happen that often and because ...
Erasing Lines
May 29, 2014
Erasing lines is the second noble pursuit. Helping someone develop her voice and discover her gift is the first noble pursuit. A noble pursuit is wonderful because it nourishes the soul and helps others to naturally grow. Lines are tricky, for they often color themselves invisible and pretend to be absolute. They can appear to be natural and not made by humankind presenting themselves as rules of thinking, beliefs, absolute truths that cannot be discussed. Challenging of these rules can be viewed as an attack. Lines are also the judgments. pre-judgments and evaluations people draw and re-draw with lightening ...
Speak the Truth - Part 2
May 12, 2014
With a rich, persistent invitation to speak you can change people’s lives. An epidemic is moving across all your communities — places of work, places of play, places of worship, places of learning, families, tribes of children. You say “Oh it can’t be that bad?” I speak the truth and so do most of my friends. We are not going around lying all the time.” Do not mistake “not lying” for speaking the truth! Consider – children at school do not speak the truth. They are infected and carry this infection with them into their adult lives. For example, ...
What Does It Mean To Practice?
May 07, 2014
The variety of practices are endless. This is why a yoga master and a master gardener can both be fully expressing their being, shining brightly, wonderful to be around. You will notice in their way of being many of the aspects of nine jewels of human relationships and they are intimate with the profound states of being. (click for handout) Yet it is also possible that a yoga master and master gardener are very developed in their skills, recognized by many as experts, not yet fully expressing their being. There is a form to the nature of practice that ...
A Lesson in Fractals
April 30, 2014
This is a lesson on fractals — how flows of energy mirror one another with the same qualities occurring in: relationships, circles, communities, across societies. Slavery is one fractal. The Persistence of Slavery The practice of slavery is an energy created when one person seeks to bend the will, the free will, of another to theirs. Slavery is a wave that is constantly there, touching everyone, everywhere. Slavery exists independent of time. As an energy, it ebbs and flows across the entire planet. Right now, in your world, it flows stronger and wider than ever before. Why is slavery ...
The Field of Possibilities
April 24, 2014
People are ever so happy when they experience possibilities. They delight as possibilities trickle over their energetic selves. Everyone breathes differently when they experience possibilities. Possibilities are synonymous with open space. The more a person, relationship or community experiences possibilities the more they flourish and thrive! Now allow yourself to consider — All possibilities are present simultaneously creating a huge field available to you. Existing beyond space and time. the possibilities of when you were seven years old and the possibilities when you are seventy years old all exist. No one creates a possibility. Everything that could possible happen ...
Collective Intention
April 18, 2014
Understand that the collective exists, that beyond an individual consciousness there exists a form of collective conscious. Everything and everyone are connected. On the journey of experiencing connection one naturally arrives at the collective. Now collective intention and action does not need to be created by everyone. Many people are sleeping. Rediscovering the capacities of Being Human leads to being awake and you will not be able to go back to sleep. Participation in collective intention involves supporting the emergences in any variety or form. These emergence are energies of healing and growth and they shape themselves into many forms. ...
The Nature and Practice of Intention - Part 2
April 13, 2014
The deeper and richer your intention, the greater your ability to access new possibilities. The way that we use the word intention has specific qualities attached to it. There is connection to others. There is movement. There is service. Most people lead their lives lightly – as if they're going down the aisle of the supermarket just running their fingertips lightly across all things on the shelves. Now there are many things that can lighten or dilute your intention, preventing you from walking with a sure, forward step. For example, it is not uncommon for someone to have multiple ...
The Presence of Women
April 03, 2014
The ending of the Rule of Men opens the way for the Presence of Women. The Presence of Women will save the planet’s biology, save the living communities, save the children, and allow all natural forms[1] to flourish once again. Now to be specific, the word “rule” and the word “presence” are carefully chosen for their energetic qualities. Rule is grounded in a tradition that builds and maintains communities through competition, control and authority. Presence is grounded in the tradition of connection, it builds and maintains communities through cooperation, collaboration and dialogue. Because there is a natural, constant flow ...
March 27, 2014
Now when people are not speaking the truth, or speaking from the heart, or in some manner revealing themselves, most likely there is pretending. In fact in many communities, families, and relationships there is an epidemic of pretending. Let me introduce you to a community of people who work together. They number about one hundred. Their work together is moderately successful. Karl’s is an engineer. His ten-year-old daughter is very sick. Some know about this, many do not and prefer it this way. If asked, Karl says she is getting better, even though she is not. This is a relief ...
Nature and Practice of Intention - Part 1
March 21, 2014
Intention always reveals the nature of relationships. This may seem an odd place to start in a conversation about Intention. However because Everything and Everyone is Connected – without exception, intention always reveals the nature of the relationship people are creating with one another. Please pay attention to how you shape and create your relationships, for it is through relationships that you shape the world. An intention can be grounded in self-interest, mutual interest, concern for others or service. Now, of course, there are many gradients in between. When people meet for the first time, they try to sense the ...
Voice and Gifts - Part 2
March 16, 2014
Everyone has a gift without exception. Like Voice, Gifts are an expression of being – of who you really are. Discovering your gifts is an essential part of human development. Ideally this happens when you are child. Remember this basic principle – Gifts are made to shared. Consider a community of people who share their gifts with one another. They want to share these gifts, everyone benefits when the gifts are shared. There is no price for exchange because people naturally want to offer them. The reason for this is that it is an expression of their being – of who ...
Voice and Gifts - Part 1
March 14, 2014
To reflect on your progress of leading a better life turn to your Voice and Your Gifts. Elemental to your development as a human being are the Development of your Voice and the Discovery of your Gifts. Both Voice and Gifts are an expression of being. Who are you being? Most people are not themselves. They are someone else. This occurs in large part because they are not been supported to Develop their Voice and Discover their Gifts. The Development of Voice and the Discovery of Gifts are an important part of childhood. Everyone benefits by the service of ...
Being Busy
February 27, 2014
ST: My family complains that I am too busy, never around, when I am around my mind is elsewhere. My focus is on quality time with my family. I plan out our weekends so everything can get done. My job is very demanding and I have high standards, so I do put in many hours. My family seems unfair at times. One of the reasons I work so hard is to create a better life for them. Is there something wrong with being busy? Voice: Well that is a trick question that you are asking. Most likely you value ...
February 20, 2014
If you listen carefully there are always whispers carried on the winds. The world around you is much wiser than you think. Present also is “good will” supporting your growth and healing. Combined these create whispers concerning what is next. The whispers are offered and shaped in forms that we find familiar or prefer – all aspects of nature, angels, animals, magical animals, spirit guides, teachers, family members and ancestors, guides from wisdom traditions, ancient and modern texts to name a few. The whispers are part of the rhythm of life. A resource available to everyone! Suggested by the ...
You Are All Here Together
February 07, 2014
It is often thought that the soul travels alone. This is not the case; you are all here together. This is a principle to ponder. All the souls are here together, not alone, not separate – Together. If you do not believe in the soul or life after your body dies… the ideas being offered to ponder are still valid. Rather than your soul – we can simply say – “Your bodies and your personalities are all here together at the same time on the planet.” We can also expand the concept of “you” to include all the other species ...
Healing and Prison, Prisoners & Punishment
February 02, 2014
Part 1 – Your Communities Of all your creations prisons are not natural. What caused you to decide punishment over healing? Energetically punishment means to intentionally seek to harm another because they have created harm. Everyone wants punishment for harm committed, as if this is a natural rule. So strong is this rule that efforts to change your prisons fail. There are a few communities across the planet that practice forgiveness for harm. There are a few communities around the planet that offer healing to those who create harm rather than punishment. What is the true nature of your ...
Direct Experience
January 28, 2014
Establish a goal in your life to have direct experience. Understand that most experience is indirect, misdirected, or simply missed. This is a difficult topic because the common way of being with others is – not to have direct experience and so this seems normal. This is a serious condition of impairment that limits possibilities. Yet, everyone has moments of spontaneous direct experience. For example, this can occur when you have a rich experience with nature… mountains, trees, autumn colors, seeing vast scenes of the planet from a mountain top or long views of the rolling land and water. ...
How Do You Greet The World?
January 20, 2014
Before intention comes greeting. Greeting shapes intention and action. How do you greet the world? There are four postures of greeting the world: in-wanting, in-knowing, in-learning and in-fear. Could there be more postures? – yes probably. For now, recognizing how the various ways of greeting present, seeing where they lead, how they affect yourself and others – will keep you very busy. in-Wanting, in-knowing and in-fear all act as filters and limiters to your experience of the world. They dull your experience of connection to the world and how everything interconnects. These three postures lock “you” inside yourself. I, ...
Wisdom Traditions
January 09, 2014
A wise person will never say that his or her way is the best way. It is time for all the wisdom traditions to evolve. This should not surprise you. Why would a wisdom tradition remain the same? Why would something birthed and recorded millennia ago, and touched many times over the ages with interpretation, not evolve for today’s mind and soul? Yes the soul – do you think that your souls have not evolved over the millennia. Do the same types of people inhabit the earth? Are there not more caring souls? For example, more people express ...
January 03, 2014
This is an advanced practice. Be awake – what are you doing when you are disturbed? When disturbed, many people respond automatically out of habit. This can often lead to more disturbance or harm within the person or with others. Now some will immediately say – “well I have good habits.” When disturbed, the richest outcomes occur when you respond with awareness and light not habit. With disturbance do not practice removal – practice engagement. Any practice that takes you above the disturbance or off to the side or out of the room – limits what is possible. When ...
Sacred Work
December 27, 2013
If you are seeking a healthy life, having sacred work is a strong consideration. Sacred work turn the phrase over, look sideways, spin it too the left, then right. There is no formal definition of sacred work. I cannot define it for you. One recognizes sacred work by the qualities or elements present, not by the type of work. These qualities or elements are not native to the work. For example, being a teacher of children or a religious guide or a healer does not guarantee that you are doing sacred work. Sacred work teaches us about the quality of ...
Personal Entry
November 19, 2013
In mid-June I began a practice of Open Space. For myself, it began by stopping all my normal routines and responsibilities, with the intention of opening a space, staying grounded, noticing what appeared and what impulses presented themselves. For the first time in eight (8) years I stopped channeling, writing, coaching, doing healings. What first appeared was an impulse to improve my health, which I followed and returned to playing tennis six days a week. This put me in direct touch with my body and heart, which I had not treated well, especially by filling it with too many ...
A Practice of Nourishment
June 16, 2013
The Second on the Nine Jewels of Human Relationships says - Fundamental to the nature of human relationships is nourishment. People are always searching for their purpose in life, for how they connect to something larger. Suppose the deeper purpose of humankind is to provide nourishment in all aspects? Suppose to practice and hold the intention to provide a nourishing offering in everything you do and with everyone you touch is a key? Now nourishment in your relationships is not all hugs and kisses. Nourishment requires awareness, you must be awake to the needs and prayers of others. You ...
June 06, 2013
Learn to pray deeper not harder. In the world of energy one does not need to touch hard to have a large effect. Prayer is a natural way of being and does not require lessons. However, if you wish to pray deeply and engage a new level then a few offerings on how to pray deeply will be helpful. Now prayer is more akin to a blessing than a request. Prayer is more akin to an offering than a request. Prayer is more akin to creating intention and the collective prayer of a circle or community provides a wonderful ...
Nourishing Your Soul - Part 2
May 30, 2013
One day a student approached her teacher and asked: “How can I deepen my relationship with my soul?” Her teacher responded – “Tell me what have you been doing?” “Well,” said the student, “my practice of stillness seems to help. Also I regularly ask my soul the question — what do you need, how can I nourish you.” The teacher sat in silence and then asked, “So what have you noticed?” “One of the reasons I practice my silence more is that I feel that is what my soul wants me to do.” Yes, please continue,” said the teacher. ...
The Myth of Attraction
May 18, 2013
Tell me, is "beautiful" a natural quality or a judgment? Consider these examples. A mother thought to herself, “What a beautiful day for our picnic, how sunny it is.” Later in the day it began to rain – “How horrible,” thought the mother. On the same day a farmer stood outside in the rain arms upstretched and felt that he had never seen a more beautiful sight! One woman looked around her land and tried to kill all the weeds she saw. In another county, the same weed was a beautiful sight and prized for its herbal remedies. Beautiful ...
May 12, 2013
The energetic definition of allow is to open oneself to receive that which is offered, to engage with the flow. Now allowing is a very active and dynamic state, not passive at all. When you allow you are very awake. There is a very old saying of great wisdom “One does not ride the unicorn, one allows the unicorn to carry you.” Consider these two examples. Carey feels a great impulse to make things happen, to be in charge, to control for outcomes or variations. She takes pride in her ability to push through any adversity or obstacle. She does not ...
Teaching Children - Part 2
May 05, 2013
Five Ways of Being Now there are many opinions about what to teach our children. The details are left to you concerning the subjects a child must memorize. Here we speak of “being” BE- IN- G. Surrounded by all our previous conversations, “being” will mean to present oneself in a manner that supports growth and healing for self and everyone else. Our discussion outlines a curriculum of “being” – how to be with oneself, how to be in-relationship, how to sit in circle and how to be in-community and lastly how to be a world citizen. Now children learn ...
Wait For No One: Ten Messages to Heal Ourselves and Our Planet—NOW
May 03, 2013
The messages in this book are a gift. Gifts are made for sharing and these messages are offered freely without attachment or expectation. Though the nature of my words may sometimes seem intense, there is no judgment. My nature is to simply experience the whole. This is a book of messages for growth and healing. Another book might have been just on growth; however, there are many wounds on your planet, and healing is a natural part of growth. The ten messages offered in this book are energies that contribute to the growth of individuals, relationships, circles and ...
Invitation to Speak
April 27, 2013
There are different energies present in listening; among the strongest of these is the “invitation to speak.” “Tell me your story. Tell it to me in whatever way is satisfying for you. Take all the time you need. Tell it fast or slow. It doesn’t need to be perfect all well thought out. Speak from the heart or mind. I will hold whatever you tell me with care. I am here to listen to you and learn. Tell me how could I be the most helpful to you?” How often do you encounter this invitation? How often do you ...
Being With Grace
April 19, 2013
One meaning of the word Grace is generosity. Another meaning is kindness. Another meaning is connection through empathy. Grace is most needed in closed spaces. When someone lives in a closed space there is little Grace. A life space may become closed for many reasons — fear, wounds, emotional starvation, thought forms within a person and thought forms from the community, no invitation to express oneself. A relationship may also become closed for the same reasons. A community may also become a closed space. A closed community is defined often by exclusion and powerful thought forms, followed by little ...
Keeping Secrets
April 12, 2013
Keeping secret is not helpful to your soul or if you prefer your energetic self. Secrets deplete your energy and narrow your sharing. There are many forms and colors of secrets. Not all secrets are dark. Now you may be thinking of exceptions, good reasons to keep secrets, so let us agree that this might be so and see what we can learn together. Children should not be made to keep secrets. This runs counter to the nature of their being. The energetic vehicle, of who they are, is not made to keep secrets. Yet in families children often ...
See and Experience the Whole
April 05, 2013
This is an advanced practice. What is your experience of the whole? An open space is the experience of the whole. How well do you experience the whole? This is as different as just seeing a slice of an orange and seeing the whole orange itself. Or seeing just the orange and then seeing the journey it took to reach your hand from its tree. Stand across from someone, look at him or her, see their eyes. Consider ‑ this is a whole person. Regardless of how they act or what you see and experience, this is a whole ...
The Great Myths
March 29, 2013
There is a dampening field around humanity’s light making it hard to see one another. It diminishes your energy, affects the spirit or soul, limits your experience of connection with one another and the planet and the universe. It restricts your experience of what is possible, and finally makes you vulnerable to the illness of fear. We call this dampening field the Great Myths. These Myths are deep, collective beliefs sustained over millennia, almost invisible. They are energetic fields that influence your actions and beliefs and the development of your communities. They show up in small and big ways. Our ...
You Are Not Alone
March 23, 2013
Wisdom suggests — do not try to convince someone who feels alone that they are not alone. When someone feels alone treat this feeling with deep respect, for they have lost connection. There are many reasons people feel alone. One can become lost in his or her conscious mind, kept separate by the thoughts and beliefs. Shame, embarrassment, being hurt by others, can cause people to feel alone. Some people have stopped listening and learning in their lives and lose connection. In addition, most people act alone or act as if they are separate — without feeling lonely. They ...
Why Trees Are Good Teachers
March 17, 2013
Trees are excellent listeners. They never interrupt, allowing the learner to exercise her voice and hear herself. A tree is not concerned with being right, in fact for a tree there is not right or wrong. This is not immoral, simply a tree holds the whole and is slow to judge. Maybe a tree judges once or twice in a lifetime. Trees enjoy pauses! — the space between words, feelings and conversation are as important as the words spoken. These pauses allow for delicious, reflective pondering and appreciation. As a teacher, a tree never feels the need to impart ...
Traveller, Witness, Healer
March 10, 2013
Every community is a living system with a natural process of growth, healing, sustaining and nurturing all its living parts. There is wisdom in seeing a community as a living system, not mechanical or artificial. Over time important roles have emerged to enable communities to flourish. In the complexity of daily life these roles are not as easily seen today. The traveller moves across communities gathering ideas, miracles, and potentials. Like a bee or the wind she pollinates, spreading seeds far and wide. Often able to surpass the barrier of language and customs with a deep capacity for appreciation, ...
5 Principles of Helping
March 04, 2013
Helping is always offered, never pushed. If you find yourself pushing then you are not helping, you are doing something else. Pushing can be selling, telling, convincing, persuading or expecting. Offering is just that, an offer for consideration. Now immediately some situations will come to mind where this may seem too weak. Offering is like the wind existing in many forms, yet it is still the wind – present then leaving. Offering help can come with passion, tenderness, firmness, with a light touch or heavy touch and then it leaves.The free will of the person is always respected, when you are ...
Speak the Truth
February 24, 2013
If many will speak the truth frequently, a transformation would occur in your relationships and your communities. Young children, until they are taught otherwise, naturally speak the truth. They are clear about what they need, want, feel, think, experience, and observe. You grew up naturally speaking the truth. How is it for you today? There are many reasons that people do not speak the truth. Chief among these reasons are – 1) fear, 2) discomfort, 3) the teachings of the community, and 4) lack of invitation. I did not speak the truth because I did not want to hurt ...
Grandmother, 姥姥, Abuela, Бабушка Wisdom
February 16, 2013
The change that could occur if you release the voices of the grandmothers around the planet cannot be calculated. Deep, resting within your communities are the grandmothers. They are a natural source of wisdom. Grandmothers hold the traditions of the past – sharing them for the benefit of the children, family and community. The expression of their wisdom is anchored in the well-being of children, family and community. Grandmothers will emerge, as healers in your communities, for there are many wounds both in relationships and in communities. They are natural healers through words, sound, wisdom and energy. Great is ...
You and Your Conscious Mind - Part 2
February 10, 2013
There is nothing inherently wrong with the conscious mind. It arrives with you at birth in perfect condition. In every infant the conscious mind is capable of infinite development and possibility. The conscious mind does not take any inherent form. It may seem that way because most minds are taught the same form, this may seem the natural way. The conscious mind is a beautiful star burst of crystal energy and light. Parents, teachers, communities train children to primarily experience the world through their conscious mind and to express themselves through their conscious mind. This typically involves activity though ...
February 02, 2013
When you have a disturbance in your life how do you respond? When a situation is stuck in a relationship or community, pondering is needed. As you experience a disturbance, which is discomfort mental, emotional, or energetic of varying intensity – are you able to see another side? Or do you only see your own side? The ability to see more than one side is an important aspect of pondering. This is called pondering the sides. When something goes wrong and there are unexpected results or consequences or side effects how do you respond? The ability to reflect on one’s ...
You and Your Conscious Mind - Part 1
January 26, 2013
What is your relationship with your conscious mind? The majority of the world expresses itself repeatedly – thousands of times a day – by reinforcing the answer –“I am my conscious mind and my conscious mind is me.” Further the conscious mind believes this and acts, as if, it is in charge of "you." In certain circumstances it will delete, distort, or deny information to continue to maintain a certain view of the world. Consider this brief story. Anika wishes that her conscious mind was less active. She often has trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, because she is ...
The Golden Triangle of Awareness
January 20, 2013
Sensing, noticing and listening are the building blocks to being Awake! Would it surprise you to know that many people walk through a good portion of their lives asleep? What might cause this? 1) Wounds can narrow a person’s experience, create hyper-sensitivity, and release strong emotions, which blind or blur sight and block hearing. 2) Everyone is taught to look in a particular direction or range. We call this Points of Attention (POA). For example – race, sex, attractiveness, familiarity, religion, ownership, power, competition, beliefs, principles all create unique filters, which cause us to value some experiences and discount ...
The Nature and Practice of in-Learning
January 10, 2013
in-Learning is a profound way of holding a person, place, situation, relationship or community. Energetically in-learning means to actively greet the world with openness of mind, heart and spirit in all that you do. in-Learning is a natural state of being. It does not need to be taught. All that is needed is for you to remember. This is not the learning of your schools, full of memorizing and testing. This is the learning of your early childhood, when you were the full expression of learning – learning words, learning expressions, learning to walk. You experience a world of ...
A Christmas Story
December 24, 2012
Don and Karen have been married for twenty-five years. Their relationship might be described as being full of well-worn grooves of behavior. If Karen said something, Don would reply in a typical manner. Karen often stopped herself from bringing up certain topics because she knew how Don would react. It wasn’t always this way. When they were first married, everything was new and fresh, and they listened to one another. One Saturday afternoon Don came home early from his normal routines. Coming in the back door he heard a familiar voice, Karen’s sister Joan. Don did not like Joan. ...
The Practice of Partnership
December 19, 2012
The movement of being "in-partnership” is about waking up, exploring and acting. Partnership is a challenge to relationships being defined through the single quality, which is magnified over and over again – competition. In the world of spirit there is no anchor or touch point to competition – no resonance with competition. What do you believe about your souls or your spirit? Do you think that the growth of your soul comes about through competition? Imagine for a moment that there is a great trickster. What a trick to play leading an entire civilization run on competition. Not every ...
Ring the Bells
December 11, 2012
Sacred forms are part of your heritage. They interweave with your growth and development over the millennia. When used with intention a sacred form has the ability to call forward an energetic space, which is nourishing and healing. In this conversation let me name two sacred forms: 1) sitting in a circle and 2) ringing bells. The form of a circle, people sitting in a circle, people sitting around a fire – you carry this sacred form deep inside you. The qualities present in the circle, around the fire are warmth, security, wisdom, conversation, connection and learning. Now the ...
The Nature and Practice of Appreciation
December 02, 2012
Appreciation is a profound way of holding a person, place, relationship, a community, a situation, or a living system. Appreciation is the practice of seeing wholeness and the practice of affirming, especially when a person or a community does not feel whole or affirmed. It involves seeing the potential, possibility, and presence. Appreciation of another person is not approval. Appreciation also involves: recognizing the sameness, oneness and commonness that people share smiling because we see the person acknowledging the sacred journey we all share together of growth and healing awakening to perfect moments when you are in deep connection ...
Walking Side-By-Side
November 26, 2012
You can tell a lot about someone based on how they walk. Imagine for a moment that a string is attached at your waist, to a person with whom you regularly exchange energy. What is the sensation when he walks far ahead of you, past the limit of the string and pulls? What is the sensation if she suddenly stops and plants her feet firmly on the ground, while you keep walking? Suppose in another situation he comes up behind you and gives you a shove? Of course, the energy of a relationship can be more complicated – someone ...
The Nine Jewels of Human Relationships
November 16, 2012
There are great myths rampant across the communities and nations of the planet. They create a haze or fog that obscures the true nature of human relationships and prevent communities from evolving into nourishing havens for all people. These myths have been here for millennia now and they actually shape the nature of communities and their rules. The myths whisper you are separate not connected, you are the center of the universe and ruler of the planet, everything is subservient to you. They whisper men are better than women or tell you to focus on acquiring and owning, for ...
Learning Partners
November 09, 2012
So tell me, who walks alongside you as a partner in-learning? Who has your best interest at heart, but does not think that she knows what is best for you? Children are taught through myths, stories, and community beliefs to first and foremost see the romantic love of desire – to find someone to adore them. Shift the message to your children – seek those who will be in-learning with you, who value walking alongside of you, for there is much growth and healing that will occur. This is a reversal of many strong inclinations, which are sent and ...
The Nature and Practice of Respect
November 03, 2012
Energetically respect is a profound way of holding someone. It means – to see them, to appreciate them, to provide an open space for being. There is a diamond formed from the nature of respect. We learn to respect – voice, gifts, healing, wisdom. Respect is a deep, rich energetic field, full of possibility. Respect is not an obligation or a rule to be followed. Parents, teachers, leaders and learning partners will understand that fundamental to a person’s growth is the development of his or her voice. So they are cautious not to fill the child with their voices. ...
Releasing Fear
October 19, 2012
Many people carry fear inside themselves – pockets of fear. These fears constrain and limit their actions, narrow the focus of what they see as possible. Fear of rejection, fear of physical harm, fear of loss, fear of embarrassment, fear of isolation, fear of criticism, fear of being judged, fear of success, fear of discovery, fear of the unfamiliar and many more. Fear comes in all different sizes and packages, lasting moments, hours or days. The function of fear energetically is to narrow your experience of what is possible. Sometimes you invoke the fear, sometimes other evoke the fear. ...
Wisdom Activities
October 13, 2012
How much do you practice wisdom? Does this seem like an odd expression “practice wisdom?” What is the point of gathering knowledge without wisdom? You can practice wisdom activities. These activities will help you grow and develop and they are good for your soul. 1. Be in practice to deepen your listening. Energetically listening means to be in direct contact with all that is around you. There is a lot happening all around you, so this is a big territory, involving far more than just listening better in a conversation. The areas of listening are: 1) self, 2) others, ...
Five Emergences
October 08, 2012
There are Five Emergnces supporting the advancement of humankind. Things are speeding up around the planet. For those of you who are sensitive to energetic patterns you have already noticed this. The most common awareness of “speeding up” is a large vibration of shaking or breaking, more like an earthquake. This vibration is often accompanied by violence. There is a second vibration, which is more subtle, that is also speeding up. This vibration is similar to the first budding of new plants in the ground – poking through the soil. Hearing and noticing this subtle vibration is challenging, because ...
No Strings Attached
September 29, 2012
Here is a wonderful practice that will teach you a lot about yourself and the nature of service or helping others. Most of what is done, the actions taken, gifts given, help offered, ideas shared – have strings attached. These strings come in many shapes, sizes and forms – expectations, demands, requirements, equal exchange, owe something, obligation. For example, Mary gives Susan a gift and is disappointed because she did not get a big enough appreciation. Susan gives a genuine thank-you, but not enough energy was exchanged to satisfy Mary’s strings of attachment. 1) Offering your Ideas. Just like ...
The Millennium of Women
September 01, 2012
When you hold all the different communities across the planet, large and small, you will immediately notice that they do not shine. Little light emanates from them because they do not nourish. The fastest way for a community to share its light is to be of service to children and women. Communities shine when the voices of women and children come forward. When you bring children’s voices forward everything softens, for this too is a key to the advancement of humankind. When women’s voices come forward new forms appear that support – collaboration, healing, nourishment and flourishing. Today, as named ...
Bring Your Children Forward
August 27, 2012
Bring the children forward in all that you do. This is one of the keys to the advancement of humankind. Just as a child grows and develops – humankind as a whole grows and develops. You may not be used to thinking about humankind as a whole, since it acts in ways so fragmented. However, if you ride the tops of the waves of millennia gone by you can sense the growth and movement of humankind as a whole. Have you grown in the past 3,000 years? Do not focus on physical manifestation of buildings, mechanicals, technology, or faster ...
Change Your Questions
August 19, 2012
Deep within, comfortably nested in your energetic system are a set of questions, which guide the focus of your attention. These questions shape the nature of your decisions and help you pick a direction when you reach a choice point in your life. The questions are largely invisible, acquired through various means. Some questions are acquired in childhood. Other questions may come from a valued teacher. Some arrive through experiences in your life either positive or negative. Some questions may seem small and others large. The answers to these questions determine how you spend your time. Here is a ...
August 10, 2012
Tell me what is the nature of your touch? As you move through your day? What is the nature of your touch in your relationships? How would you describe the touch of your community? There are many words to describe the nature of touch. Each is shaped by the intention and awareness of the person touching – warm, helpful, pushy, gentle, absent, healing, pulling, sticky, encouraging, light, heavy, soothing, invisible, sexual, directing, comforting, encouraging. A wonderful practice is to become aware of your touch. Start with this list, do not be limited, select your own words. If you need ...
Blessing Someone
July 27, 2012
When did you stop giving one another blessings? When did you last ask someone for a blessing? Energetically a blessing is a form of sacred exchange between two or more people that is deeply nourishing. Take the practice of “I see you” and magnify it over 100 times. Now blessing should not be confused with approval. If you need or want approval ask for that. A blessing is something very different. In fact when you need or want an energy from someone, you would benefit from learning to ask for that energy specifically. In this manner you practice being ...
The Heart Speaks
June 27, 2012
So let us take a very simple and complicated example at the same time. Two people are newly in love. One says to the other – “I love you.” He receives a warm smile and a hug, but this is not enough. So he says, “Please tell me, tell me you love me.” Energetically what is happening in this conversation? I'm not asking for your story, assumptions or judgments. Setting aside the complexity of the word “love”, –energetically, what is happening? “I love you” equals a release of energy from one to another. When someone speaks from the heart, ...
The Conspiracy of Counting
June 06, 2012
Your world today runs on counting. Individuals judge their success by counting. Nations judge their prosperity by counting. Self worth is often determined by counting. Counting is everywhere. Across the entire planet no matter where you go people count. Money, land, success, age, intelligence, weather, time, grades, beauty, pounds, wrinkles, friends, compliments, insults, wounds, births, and deaths – almost anything you can think of is counted and assigned a value of worth. People have jobs devoted to counting – all day long they count. Industries exist in every country to count and other industries exist to check the quality ...
Who Are You Really?
May 26, 2012
Most people are often not themselves. In pondering this idea and exploring when and how you might not be yourself, there are three patterns to consider. 1) You are filled with the voices of other people. This can be to a large or small degree. Other people’s energy lives inside you and when it is time to speak their voices answer for you. This pattern can occur for several reasons. As a child you are very open, and those around you (parents, teachers, community) filled you with answers, rather than helping you develop your voice, by offering to you ...
Healers Please Come Forward
May 18, 2012
People often ask, “What can I do? What can I do that will truly make a difference?” If there is one movement the world needs desperately it is healing. Everyone can participate and be a healer. In fact wounding is so common place, that healing should be taught, as part of every child’s education, along with all the other subjects. Healing means to bring about enough of a state of balance so that natural ways of being and patterns re-emerge. For example, healers of the world’s oceans often intervene to create ocean spaces which are not touched by humans. ...
Living Outside Yourself
May 11, 2012
To support your growth and in particular your healing it is important to learn to live outside yourself. Most people live inside themselves. Here is a simple example. Arista is walking on a trail in the woods. Sunlight is streaming through the trees. Birds are singing. The ground under her feet is cushioned with leaves. Arista is thinking and feeling, focused on the argument she had with her mother yesterday. Her feelings are fueled by past arguments and the judgments concerning how self-centered and controlling her mother is. Arista is living inside herself. If her mind was still and ...
What Are You Teaching Your Children?
May 04, 2012
Now this is a question for everyone to take up, carry with them and consider, especially if you are concerned about the future. Your children (collective) are the future, the only future. Sometimes when the word "everyone" is used people disconnect, so let me explain this word. The “big three” are teachers, parents, leaders – in that order. Followed by the makers of games and entertainment, older children and teenagers, and community citizens. A community citizen is anyone who is a part of a community and feels responsible to be a member. Older children and teenagers teach younger ...
Discovering the Natural
April 23, 2012
This is an invitation to go on a journey to discover what is natural for you, your relationships, and your community. The energetic definition of natural is that which supports growth and healing. We associate natural with the qualities of: 1) flourishing, 2) healing, 3) possibility, and 4) a movement of grace. Just because something repeats itself over and over again, does not mean it is either your nature or that it is natural. Solving problems and differences through violence, verbal or physical, while frequent and repeated, is not natural, nor is it your nature. Judging, evaluating, ranking, rating, ...
The Art of Pausing
April 16, 2012
A constant flow of events around you and the flow of events inside you (thoughts, judgments, desires) can deplete you, distracting or obscuring your attention and presence. To pause is to open a space in the flow of immediate events, which allows you to act with intention in a way that is supportive and nourishing. A pause contains four qualities: 1) the introduction of intention; 2) an open space; 3) a greeting that is one of learning; and 4) a release – the tight grip you have on what is happening around or inside you. Pausing allows you to ...
Softening to Create Open Spaces
April 10, 2012
More than ever, the world, all of your communities, need open spaces. Try this simple exercise. Take a deep breath, as deep as you can. Hold it until the count of eight. Now, take another deep breath, concentrate on expanding your chest — feel the stretch as your lungs fill. Towards the end of your breath expand your stomach. Count to 5 then exhale. Do this breath one more time. This is what is needed everywhere — the qualities of expansion, release, opening, new ways of breathing, noticing, reflection, awareness and listening. This is what is needed in your ...
Developing and Sharing Your Qualities
April 03, 2012
What qualities do you own? What qualities are uniquely yours to share? Part of growth and development involves acquiring the capacity to sense, experience, and resonate with qualities and to create and share qualities with others. Remember we discern the nature of someone, not by what they do or say, by the qualities we sense in another person. The only permanent qualities are those that support growth and healing. Any quality you would deem negative, hurtful, or harmful is temporary. The development of qualities is a rich path to follow. The path of discovery is twofold. First one can adopt ...
Nourishing Your Soul
March 27, 2012
How well are you able to nourish your soul? Another term we could use is the “precious you,” if by chance you do not believe you have a soul. Now some well-versed in the traditions of your many belief systems will say, “Of course, there is a soul and yes we have many practices to offer that ultimately nourishes the soul.” To this, I would bow deeply in respect. I would also inquire, if it would be helpful to learn to communicate directly with the soul? Many people are waking to this possibility of soul communication. The soul is ...
Discovering Your Gift
March 19, 2012
Every person enters the world with a gift to share with other people. An essential part of being human is to discover your gift. This will occur naturally during the years of being a child. Children need an open space around them to support the natural process of discovering their gifts. Unfortunately, most children grow up in closed spaces with an emphasis on being the best. Most children are surrounded by the judgment, evaluation, rating, ranking, and competition. Only a few can be the best. Not so with the path of gifts. Every child has a gift to share ...
Take the Next Step
March 15, 2012
What are you waiting for? Just take the next step. If you want to, you can always sense the “next step” in taking care of yourself, not in a selfish way, simply in a way that helps you to flourish. For example, you can sense the next healthy step for your body. What does it mean for you to feel more alive, awake, nourished? You can sense the next step in taking care in any of your relationships – husband, wife, children, friends. In any of your relationships, simply ask yourself, “What is the next step I could take ...
Exercising Your Voice
March 09, 2012
Talking is overrated. Listening is the foundation for all possibilities. The development of voice is fundamental to everyone's growth. Voice is the expression of being – sharing who you really are. People who listen are much more likely to express who they really are. The expression of voice can happen in many ways speaking, music, art, writing, building, being. Listen, invite someone to speak, speak from the heart, speak the truth – these are the basic movements of developing your voice. Consider these two simple practices. The greatest gift you can give someone is to deeply listen to them. A ...
I See You
March 04, 2012
Try saying this to another person. "I see you, not just a part of you. I see the whole of you - past, present and future. I don't judge you. I see the whole living growing being that you are." People are searching. When you hold the entire planet and you listen deeply you will notice that people are searching for answers. The other thing you notice is that many people have answers and they are desperately seeking people with questions. I don't have any answers - simply an offering and some very good questions to share. Here is ...