We do not recognize the energy of obligation. Beyond physical human existence there are no fractals of obligation. While obligation maybe a common experience it is not a natural form. Frequency and commonness are not reliable ways to determine natural form. This occurs in large part because of the Great Myths.
Consider paths other than telling someone they must do something because they have an obligation. This is not helpful to him or her, or to you.
Tell me, describe this energy called obligation so that we might all see it more clearly. What are the sources of obligation, from what springs does it arise?
People’s lives are formed by a web of decisions. These webs determine the nature of their experience and expression. These webs shape what they believe about existence. These webs determine the experience of what is possible and shape the experience of connection. Sometimes the webs are complex enough that the individual decisions are not recognizable.
Help offered to someone often encounters this web and is rejected. The web of decisions speaks for people and their true voice is not heard – just the automatic response of the decisions previously made.
When someone does not recognize the decisions that make up the web – they are asleep. Be Awake[1] activates and calls for an awareness of the web of decisions that surround you.
People often inherit decisions. Yes, people often inherit decisions in the form of rules made for them by family members, or by communities held together by lines. Or parents make decisions for children about who they should be and what they should do when they are grown up.
Do I have to be happy about every decision I make? Life is complicated and complex. Everybody feels obligation.
The simple answer to your questions is that you are as you are. Notice how much obligation you carry. Obligation is a burden, floating in a pool of decisions. Notice when agreement shifts to obligation. Let your life be full of agreements. If most of your decisions are surrounded by obligation, than this is cause for concern. Relationships based on obligation often lack nourishment.
Consider the acts of taking care of someone, who has needs your help. One person is tired of taking care and finds it to be an obligation, and has started becoming resentful. Another person is cheerful, connected and in-service. The same acts are offered with different energies or qualities, yet one is offered with obligation the other is offered with agreement. Which would you prefer to receive?
I am not satisfied with this answer. What do I do if I am really stuck? My mother is sick and I feel obligated to take care of her. I don’t want to, at least not as much as I do. She has always been critical of me.
Dear one, let me offer nourishment to you. For you are tired and worn. For you cannot step out of this without nourishment. This is so important. Come lay your head down, breath, breath release for you hold so much. Receive nourishment. There is no movement without nourishment.
There is no one answer to this and no one can tell you what to do. However, if you are ready, consider the judgments hamper you – judgments of yourself, judgments of your mother, judgments from your mother. Release the burden of judgments. Soften just a little. One step at a time, with each softening comes more clarity. Let me offer you no judgments only support – allow your thoughts and feelings to express themselves if necessary write them down. There are no wrong decisions for you to make. Seek out help – you are not alone – if needed seek someone(s) to help you find help. You are not alone. You are not judged. You are whole.
Yes, life if very complicated to navigate sometimes. If you find yourself did in obligation, see if you can soften this. Can you soften the obligation in any manner breathe into more agreement? Can you seek out help and nourishment? If you find yourself dissatisfied standing in obligation do not judge yourself or others harshly. Soften the judgments.
Consider the energetic qualities of obligation:
Must, should, have to, ought to, burden, constraint, debt, liability, compulsion, inherited, forced upon, guilt ridden, rules, lines, wanting to escape, compliance, conformance, heavy, avoidance, disagreeable, submissive, righteousness, pulling or pushing.
Consider the energetic qualities of agreement:
Choice, ownership, commitment, willingness, standing in the middle, harmony, alignment, unity, free will, voice, light, responsible, approach, agreeable, in-learning, hand-in-hand.
I agree, I choose.
I comply, I conform.
[1] Be Awake – One of the Ten Messages. See the book Wait for No One page 117