In your journey to develop your voice -- a question will arise – Who will you speak for? Everyone is responsible for speaking for someone or some others. How will you express this responsibility? Why? Because the prayers of individuals and commun-ities are so many, at this time on your planet. Now remember ~ No one can tell another what to do. However, this does not erase the question — Who will you speak for? You will make your own choices. Who will you speak for? This is an important step in developing your voice.
Speaking for Wholeness
Many speak for division and fragmentation saying simply, “we are better”; or “we own this and that. However the natural “we” is all of us – all of us here together – that is everyone all the living matter and energy forms. “We,” the planet is one. The humans on the planet are one. The planet and the humans are one. All the species on the planet are one. The planet is one with all the species. The planet is the creator of all the species, Or if you do not prefer creator than the planet is the sustainer of physical life. Humans are one species among the many. It is possible to be special and not better.
Now many speak for wholeness in larger ways. Every community has speakers for wholeness. Do not have expectations as to who they are and where they live. Sometimes they come from the most unlikely places. The most common are those who deeply carry with them a cause for healing, change, nourishment, help, equality, fairness, compassion, voice. They have allowed themselves to be touched and they constantly and consistently reach out to others, trying to touch them. They speak for children, environment, those in slavery, those without voice, those without food and water, those who are treated unfairly, those who are wounded.
Start Here - In everyday life and in the nature of your thoughts and feelings there is the possibility for wholeness or division. Notice your thoughts and feelings and notice what your words offer? Do they speak for wholeness? Now this does not need definition or deep explanations. Sense it – in my everyday travels what I am speaking for – do I lean more towards fragmentation and division or more towards wholeness? I can tell you this, in your history, problems are not solved by division. Division in the way human beings create lines does not exist. The birds fly across county and country borders not recognizing the lines.
And there are always more needed. Who will you speak for?
The prayers from communities around the world are higher in numbers you can hold in your conscious mind. And multiple people are needed to speak for the same cause. So do not quickly release your responsibility because you see others speaking for a cause that reaches out to you. Until the wounding stops, until the existing generations speak for all communities this is the question for you today– who will you speak for?
Sensing Emergences
One wonderful form of wholeness are emergences. These emergence are energies of healing and growth and they shape themselves into many forms. This energy is similar to the first budding of new plants in the ground – poking through the soil. Sense emergences they are born of a larger movement. Consider these emergences. If you do not resonate with the ones offered – What emergences do you sense? Which emergences will you speak for?
1) Good Will. The most impactful thing that you can do for yourself, your relationships, your communities is to Speak for Good Will. Carry the question – how can I bring forward good will. Express and send Good Will in any form that you can.
2) Bring the Children Forward. Consider — there are enough resources, enough homes, enough clean water and healthy food for all children to live nourished across the planet, if enough will invite this to happen. Speak for this emergence in your community and around the world.
3) Nourishment for All without exception. Now this will take you far and wide into the fields of starvations, into the streets or your cities, into the cells of your prisons, into the classrooms of your schools, into your communities of aging. It will breed a new generation of healers and teachers and leaders.
4) Release the voices and gifts of women. How beautiful the songs of the women’s voices are and the symphonies they can create when their voices are combined. Release the women’s voices, support the drumming of this mantra building across the planet for it has a deep and natural rhythm.
5) Non-violence applied to any form, shape or size—only this emergence has gone dormant for lack of attention. Who are the world leaders who espouse non-violence, who have studied the methods and approaches committed to the values and set this as their practice?
In your journey to develop your voice -- a question will arise – Who will you speak for? Everyone is responsible for speaking for someone or some others. How will you express this responsibility?
Great article.. Thanks for sharing
Posted by: Gabu | 06/29/2017 at 09:47 AM