There are great myths rampant
across the communities and nations of the planet. They create a haze or fog that obscures the
true nature of human relationships and prevent communities from evolving into
nourishing havens for all people.
These myths have been here for millennia now and they actually shape the nature of communities and their rules. The myths whisper you are separate not connected, you are the center of the universe and ruler of the planet, everything is subservient to you. They whisper men are better than women or tell you to focus on acquiring and owning, for this determines who you really are. They whisper worth is determined by how attractive you are and to place all your energy on finding a mate someone to adore you – for you cannot be close and connected to more than one person. Finally the myths whisper you are innocent and not responsible for all the great harms across the planet and tell you that time rules all – it is the true nature of movement, flow is an illusion.
There are nine jewels of human relationship brilliantly reflecting your true nature. We call them jewels because of the space inside, as they are capable of multiple facets and expressions. Consider these well.
Jewel 1: Fundamental to the nature of human relationships are bold, warm, clear, flows of energy being exchanged. Pay attention to the flows in your relationships what qualities do they express? Are they warm? Are they bold? Are they clear? Most flows are restricted in some manner.
Jewel 2: Fundamental to the nature of human relationships is nourishment. Everyone is nourished. Consider how well do you nourish others? What is your theory about what nourishes people?
Jewel 3: Fundamental to the nature of human relationships is being in-learning together. This means to base the foundation of your relationships on being learning partners. Frequently in today’s world being a learning partner means that you are helping others to develop their voice and discover their gifts, for this has not occurred in childhood.
Jewel 4: Fundamental to the nature of human relationships is healing. Healing is a natural part of growth. Walking in your lives there are many emotional, scrapes, bruises, and wounds. Left unattended they are buried, restrictions form and limit people in how they form relationships. This causes all forms of narrowing.
Jewel 5: Fundamental to the nature of human relationships is to speak from the heart and speak the truth. Human voice is wonderfully clear in its expression whether through art, words, or music. Everyone listens when you speak your truth and talk from the heart.
Jewel 6: Fundamental to the nature of being human is appreciation. This is a profound state of being and allows experience to grow from qualities not judgment.
So if this seems too long or too much to remember or absorb – simply start with Jewel 2 – Nourishment and Jewel 3 – being Learning Partners. These two alone will start a transformation in all your relationships.
Jewel 7: Fundamental to the nature of being human is to be of service. This is a profound state of being. There is a deep appreciation for the opportunity to be of service, to grow one’s soul and spirit. Here there is movement without attachment to outcome or to receipt of gratitude.
Jewel 8: Fundamental to the nature of human relationships is to experience a profound connection among and across all living beings and systems. This stretches far beyond relationships with other human beings and expands to all living forms, which share the earth today – to the planet itself, to sprit which exists beyond the body. To experience all of this, you are also connected to yourself.
Jewel 9: Fundamental to the nature of human relationships is to share gifts. Each person has a gift to share that nourishes, lights, heals, helps, delights, renews. Have you discovered your gift?
I understand these jewels may seem like meer lists to some, a dictation of key points of learning or something that seems beyond. This is why it is important to ponder these, to reflect on them and to understand them in concert with the great myths. The myths have long distracted you over the millennia diverting you from your true nature.
Excellent post. Definitely food for thought. I've never really taken a lot of time to think about these things. This post gave me motivation to do so. Thanks!
Posted by: Nathan Jay | 04/29/2014 at 07:55 PM
Ideas worth ponder, practice and sharing!
Posted by: Ben | 07/08/2016 at 04:31 AM